
snow snow snow...

please don't get fascinated by the title... it was not what i meant to type... 
on jan 26th, 2008... i was on my way to college... George Mason University by car... 
I jus realized it started to snow a lil'... and the flurries were coming to c me... 

but hey...wait...they drifted away from my car... (ie) it was coming down... when it reached the windshield it started to rise up and go flat over the body of the car...and then go down again.. 
jus out of curiostiy, wanted to explain the physics behind it... :)  learnt it from my brother..

the basic principle is called.. DRIFT... that is... when a current of when we are piercing through the air.. as the frontbody of the car is at an angle, we cut through the air pockets.. and this makes the flurries to rise up and then travel at the same angle the car is... and once it crosses our car... it tries to reach the ground again...due to gravity... 

wow...i love the physics behind it...i hope u did as well...

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