Have been catching up with friends lately, people who are new to me , but seems like we have been friends for years. When I was younger I really did not do everything that everyone did. For most people I was too driven. Which is why when people tell me of friends they have grown up with, best buddies and things like that, all I can do is smile and wonder what is like. I did have a group of close friends, and a couple of very best friends, but none influential. When the ubiquitous Friendship day happens and my friends call me for a quote, it is one of those times I am at a total loss for words. They ask me to describe friendship or true friends. Here its tough for me to draw from experience. I sometimes wonder why but I don't regret it. I have met several people along the way, have silently watched, listened to or learnt from them. Some have left a mark. Some have left bruises. Some scars. But a mark nonetheless.
And now to stay with a group of friends finally feels like heaven. Now I cannot help but smile when this flashback happens, filmi style :) and to see the changes, to see the evolution. The wisdom in the words and in the eyes. And how some endearing mannerisms thankfully stay. Sounds funny to hear friend say: "why are you humming?". And I'd say "because I sing". And then he goes"uhhppp .. hahaha.. did you hear that.. she sings songs". :) I have absolutely no recollection of this incident but it was hilarious to hear this nonetheless. And just like that, on Valentines Day eve, we friends went for a movie and stayed at my friends place. If this is not enough, ever since, things has been evolving around these friends of mine. I just couldn't digest the fact at all. How could it happen I kept asking myself. I still do.
And while all this good things of friendship evolves, I keep losing good people.. Life teaches you so many things. Sometimes it is in the face. Some times it is quiet. You win some people, you lose some people. But you don't want to lose people altogether. Not to death. And definitely not when you are some 50 years to get to an acceptable dying age. I will never claim that I was a great friend of hers but I had known her reasonably well. Its tough to push the lump that rises in the throat. And then there are people you meet, who exasperate and accuse you of something that you are not, or say things as strong as you ll never get there, you ll never be this or you ll never be that .. you ll meet them all along the way, No matter who you are. No matter what you do. But these are the people you need to be thankful for a lot more. Because in spite of everything, they contribute to the fire in your belly. Don't we need something every once in a while, to make you say "I ll show you!!" ? Thank your stars for your detractors. For the people you meet on the way side, your co passengers. People will eventually get in and get off at various points. Its a ride. Bumpy, smooth, comfortable, lulls you at times. Love it, live it, hate it, experience it. There will come a time when you can say "I have arrived". Until then, keep going. Or maybe, you don't have to say that at all. When you arrive, the announcement is made. Perhaps. Ain't it?